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[1]F. Guo, L. Jiang, Y. Ma, L. Liu, Z. Zhang, M. Yang, D. Zhang, F. Pan, Strengthening a dual-phase Mg–Li alloy by strain-induced phase transformation at room temperature, Scripta Materialia. 179 (2020) 16–19.

[2]F. Guo, L. Liu, Y. Ma, L. Jiang, D. Zhang, F. Pan, Mechanism of phase refinement and its effect on mechanical properties of a severely deformed dual-phase Mg–Li alloy during annealing, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 772 (2020) 138792.

[3]F. Guo, R. Pei, L. Jiang, D. Zhang, S. Korte-Kerzel, T. Al-Samman, The role of recrystallization and grain growth in optimizing the sheet texture of magnesium alloys with calcium addition during annealing, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys. 8 (2020) 252–268.

[4]F. Guo, L. Liu, Y. Ma, L. Jiang, Y. Zhang, D. Zhang, F. Pan, Slip behavior and its effect on rolling texture development in a dual-phase Mg–Li alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 813 (2020) 152117.

[5]F. Guo, L. Jiang, M. Yang, Y. Ma, Y. Deng, D. Zhang, F. Pan, Tailoring the Rolling Texture of AZ31 Mg Alloy with Calcium and Tin Addition, Advanced Engineering Materials. 21 (2019) 1800920.

[6]F. Guo, D. Zhang, H. Wu, L. Jiang, F. Pan, The role of Al content on deformation behavior and related texture evolution during hot rolling of Mg-Al-Zn alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 695 (2017) 396–403.

[7] L. Jiang, W. Huang,F. Guo, Y. Zhang, Q. Dai, D. Zhang, F. Pan, Activity of basal slip and detwinning on microstructure evolution and compressive flow behavior in a texture bonding Mg alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 758 (2019) 147–153.

[8] L. Jiang, W. Huang,F. Guo, Y. Zhang, D. Zhang, Q. Liu, Effects of Zn addition on the aging behavior and mechanical properties of Mg8Al2Sn wrought alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 752 (2019) 145–151.

[9]F. Guo, D. Zhang, X. Fan, L. Jiang, D. Yu, F. Pan, Deformation behavior of AZ31 Mg alloys sheet during large strain hot rolling process: A study on microstructure and texture evolutions of an intermediate-rolled sheet, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 663 (2016) 140–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.12.063.

[10]F. Guo, D. Zhang, X. Yang, L. Jiang, F. Pan, Strain-induced dynamic precipitation of Mg17Al12 phases in Mg–8Al alloys sheets rolled at 748 K, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 636 (2015) 516–521.

[11]F. Guo, D. Zhang, X. Fan, J. Li, L. Jiang, F. Pan, Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties evolution of pre-twinning Mg alloys sheets during large strain hot rolling, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 655 (2016) 92–99.

[12]F. Guo, D. Zhang, X. Yang, L. Jiang, S. Chai, F. Pan, Effect of rolling speed on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 Mg alloys rolled with a wide thickness reduction range, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 619 (2014) 66–72.