1.Zhongli Wang,Tian Xia*, et.al. Effect of polyurethane addition on the dynamic mechanical properties of cement emulsified asphalt,Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 401: 132693.(SCI一区,Top期刊)
2.Tian Xia*, Xiang Chen, et.al.Key role of network formation in Rutting, fatigue and brittle performance of bitumen/PEG/MDI/SiO2 composites,Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 296: 123937. (SCI一区,Top期刊)
3.Tian Xia*, Xiang Chen,et.al.Influence of hydrophilic nanosilica premixing method on the property of isocyanate-based polymer modified bitumen.Construction and Building Materials. 2021; 275:122174.(SCI一区,Top期刊)
4.Tian Xia*, Xiang Chen,et.al.Effect of annealing method and chemical reaction on the structure and properties of polyethylene/polyethylene glycol modified bitumen.Construction and Building Materials. 2021; 269:121228. (AIE key scientific articlein civil engineering)(SCI一区,Top期刊)
5.Tian Xia*, Wenqiang Chen, et.al. Effect of PEG loading on the rheological stability of bitumen/PE/PEG blends based on network structure evolution.Construction and Building Materials. 2020; 237:117696. (SCI一区,Top期刊)
6.Tian Xia*, Longmei Zhou, et.al. Rheology and thermal stability of polymer modified bitumen with coexistence of amorphous phase and crystalline phase.Construction and Building Materials. 2018; 178:272-279. (SCI一区,Top期刊)
7.Tian Xia*, Yaping Qin, et.al. Viscoelastic phase separation and crystalline-to-amorphous phase transition in bitumen/SBS/PE blends.Polymer. 2018; 155:129-135.
8.Tian Xia*, Longmei Zhou, et.al. SBS modified bitumen in the presence of hydrophilic or hydrophobic silica nanoparticles.Construction and Building Materials. 2017; 153:957-964. (SCI一区,Top期刊)
9.Tian Xia*, Jianhui Xu, et al. Viscoelastic phase behavior in SBS modified bitumen studied by morphology evolution and viscoelasticity change.Construction and Building Materials. 2016; 105:589-594. (SCI一区,Top期刊)
Tian Xia, Yajiang Huang*,et.al.The Molecular Mechanism of the Morphology Change in PS/PVME/Silica Blends Based on Rheology.Macromolecules. 2013; 46(20):8323-8333.(SCI一区,Top期刊)
10.Tian Xia, Hiroki Ogawa*, et.al. Dewetting Process of Deuterated Polystyrene and Poly (vinyl methyl ether) Blend Thin Films via Phase Separation.Macromolecules. 2013; 46(11):4540-4547. (SCI一区,Top期刊)
2.一种掺有废纸纤维的改性沥青及其制备方法,ZL 202210493815.2,2023,排名1/5.