高分子材料与工程系 当前位置: 学院首页 >> 教师简介 >> 正文



电子邮箱:lyb123@cqut.edu.cn 办公地址:第三实验楼B401-1/明德楼407



(1) Jing Chen; Kunpeng Du; Xiumin Chen;Youbing Li; Jin Huang; Yutao Wu; Chaolong Yang; Xiaochao Xia; Influence of surface microstructure on bonding strength of modified polypropylene/aluminum alloy direct adhesion, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 489: 392-402. (期刊论文)

(2) Kunpeng Du; Jin Huang; Jing Chen;Youbing Li; Chaolong Yang; Xiaochao Xia; Mechanical Property and Structure of Polypropylene/Aluminum Alloy Hybrid Prepared via Ultrasound-Assisted Hot-Pressing Technology, Materials, 2020, 13:236-248. (期刊论文)

(3) Hongxia Xiang; Jiaxuan An; Xiaoyan Zeng; Xiaoxiang Liu;Youbing Li; Chaolong Yang; Xiaochao Xia. Preparation and properties of polyurethane rigid foam materials modified by microencapsulated phase change materials,Polymer Composites, 2020, 41(4):1662-1672

(4) Pan Zhang; Jing Chen; Xiumin Chen; Cha Li;Youbing Li; Chaolong Yang; Tian Xia; Study on integrally molded PA6/304 stainless steel by micro-nano pressing technology, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2018, 33(5):511-522. (期刊论文)

(5)Li, Youbing; Shi, Wen; Li, Jingyuan; Yang, Chaolong; Xia, Tian; Sheng, Xumin; Wang, Xuanlun, Structure and properties of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene/liquid crystal polymer blends, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics, 2015, 54(9): 1144-1152. (期刊论文)


(1)李又兵;张攀;李查;周桦林;赵利亚;杨朝龙;陈康;盛旭敏;夏天;李成桃;徐吉婷;一种塑料金属一体化热压成型装置及方法, 2017-2-8,中国, 201610820069.8. (授权发明专利)

(2)李又兵;孙珍珍;袁毅;熔体脉动辅助注射成型装置及方法2010-12-1中国201010183819.8. (授权发明专利)

(3)李又兵;周桦林;杨朝龙;夏天;盛旭敏;张攀;赵利亚;李查;一种增韧环氧树脂基玻璃纤维复合材料及其制备方法, 2017-4-5,中国, 201610846813.1. (授权发明专利)

(4)李又兵;杨朝龙;陈文;张攀;周桦林;一种表面可涂饰的聚甲醛复合材料及其制备方法, 2016-1-6,中国, 201510700265.7. (授权发明专利)

(5)李又兵;杨朝龙;盛旭敏;夏天;王选伦;李敬媛;潘燕;一种原位自增强的聚甲醛/聚乙烯复合材料及制备方法, 2015-5-6,中国, 201410775185.3 . (授权发明专利)


(1)李又兵(排名第2);单管坯挤出多型腔吹塑成型技术研究与应用,重庆市人民政府,技术发明三等奖, 2008(黄虹;李又兵;陈元芳;夏华;许洪斌;詹捷). (科研成果奖励)

(2)李又兵(排名第5);中厚钢板高效低耗热轧工艺及装备技术,重庆市人民政府,科技进步三等奖, 2013(管朝晖;杨斌;胡建军;任晓斌;李又兵;唐敏;杨新). (科研成果奖励)
