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[1]. Huang Fuxiang, MaJusheng, Ning Honglong. Analysis of phases in a Cu-Cr-Zr alloy. ScriptaMaterialia, 2003, 48: 97-102

[2]. Fuxiang Huang,Jusheng Ma, Honglong Ning. Precipitation in Cu-Ni-Si-Zn alloy for lead frame.Materialsletters, 2003, 57: 2135-2139.

[3]. 高恩强,黄福祥,陈志谦等,First-principlesinvestigation of mechanical and electronic properties of LaAg5 Laves phaseunder pressure,Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34(1):105-112.

[4]. 黄福祥,马莒生等. La,Fe(或Co)/Ti对Cu-Cr-Zr合金时效特性的影响.稀有金属材料工程,2004, 33(3): 267-270.

[5]. Huang Fuxiang,Microstructure and properties of a Cu-Cr-Zr-Fe-Ti alloy,Applid mechanics andmaterials,2015, 723:556-560

[6]. FX Huang,M Li,P Ying,Effect of trace ceriumon the as-cast microstructure of Ag-Cu-Ni alloy,Materials Science Forum,2010.,Volume 687,44-50

[7]. Effect of Trace RE onCorrosion Behavior of Ag-Cu-Ni Alloys,Advanced Materials Research,2011 (Volumes 197-198):507-513

[8]. Fuxiang Huang,Jusheng Ma, Honglong Ning. The Investigation of Some Properties of CopperAlloys for Lead Frame. EMAP2000, Proc. of International symposium on Electronicmaterials and Packaging (Hong Kong), 391-393.

[9]. Fuxiang Huang,Jusheng Ma.The Effect Of Chemical Species in the Lead Frame Materials On TheInterface Microstructure Between Copper Alloys And SnPb Solder.ICEPT’2003, TheFifth International Conference on Electronic PackagingTechnology, (Shanghai) 443-446.

[10].JushengMa,Fuxiang Huang. The Performance and Dimension Control of Copper Alloyfor Etching Applications.ICEP 2001, International Conference on ElectronicsPackaging (Japan), 452-455



[2]汽车用微电机换向器、刷片材料研制及产业化,重庆市科技进步奖三等奖, 2014年
