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[1]L. Chai*, Y. Zhu, X. Hu, K.L. Murty, N. Guo, L.-Y. Chen, Y. Ma, L.-C. Zhang, A strategy to introduce gradient equiaxed grains into pure Zr by combining laser surface treatment, rolling and annealing,Scripta Materialia, 196 (2021) 113761.

[2]L. Chai, B. Luan*, K.L. Murty, Q. Liu*, Effect of predeformation on microstructural evolution of a Zr alloy during 550-700°C aging after β quenching,Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) 3099-3109.

[3]L. Chai*, K. Xiang, J. Xia, K.L. Murty, V. Fallah, Z. Yao, B. Gan*, Effects of pulsed laser surface treatments on microstructural characteristics and hardness of CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy,Philosophical Magazine, 99 (2019) 3015-3031.

[4]L. Chai*, J. Xia, K.L. Murty, X. Gu, J. Fan, Z. Yao, Revealing microstructural, textural and hardness evolution of Ti-6Al-4V sheet cooled from sub β-transus temperature at different rates,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53 (2022) 3179-3193.

[5]X. Hu,L. Chai*, J. Shen, H. Wu, Y. Li, J. Cheng, J. Luo*, L. Yao, Microstructure, Texture, and Hardness Evolution of Cold-Rolled High-Purity Ti Sheet During Annealing at 350 °C to 550 °C,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53 (2022) 2086-2098.

[6]F. Zhang,L. Chai*, L. Qi, Y. Wang, L. Wu*, H. Pan, C. Teng, K.L. Murty, Microstructures and wear resistance of Zr-4 and N36 alloys subjected to pulsed laser surface remelting,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 577 (2023) 154284.

[7]J. Shen,L. Chai*, C. Wang, H. Wang*, Q. Yuan, N. Guo, J. Xiao, X. Yin, Surface microstructures and properties of oxide-reinforced FeCrAl matrix composite coatings prepared by laser cladding on a ferritic-martensitic steel,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 578 (2023) 154345.

[8]Q. Yuan,L. Chai*, T. Yang, H. Wang*, J. Shen, N. Guo, X. Yin, J. Xiao, Laser-clad FeCrAl/TiC composite coating on ferrite/martensitic steel: Significant grain refinement and wear resistance enhancement induced by adding TiC,Surface &Coatings Technology, 456 (2023) 129272.

[9]Q. Yuan,L. Chai*, J. Shen, H. Wang*, H. Guan, N, Guo, Y. Li, Microstructural characteristics, hardness and wear resistance of a typical ferritic/martensitic steel surface-treated by pulsed laser,Surface & Coatings Technology, 418 (2021) 127261.

[10]K. Xiang,L. Chai*, C. Zhang, H. Guan, Y. Wang, Y. Ma*, Q. Sun, Y. Li, Investigation of microstructure and wear resistance of laser-clad CoCrNiTi and CrFeNiTi medium-entropy alloy coatings on Ti sheet,Optics & Laser Technology, 145 (2022) 107518.

 [11] L. Chai*, Y. Zhu, X. Hu, K.L. Murty, N. Guo, L.-Y. Chen, Y. Ma, L.-C. Zhang, A strategy to introduce gradient equiaxed grains into Zr sheet by combining laser surface treatment, rolling and annealing, rolling and annealing, Scripta Materialia, 196 (2021) 113761.