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[1] Tao Zhou, Zhao Yang. Dong Hu, Tao Feng. MingboYang. Xiaobing Zhai. Effect of the final rolling speeds on the stretch formability of AZ31

alloy sheet rolled at a high temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 650: 436-443.

[2] Tao Zhou, Mingbo Yang. Zhiming Zhou, Jianjun Hu, Zhenhua Chen. Microstructure and mechanical properties of rapidly solidified /powder

metallurgy Mg-6Zn and Mg-6Zn-5Ca at room and elevated temperatures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds.2013.560: 161-166.

[3] Tao Zhou, Hua Xia, Mingbo Yang. Zhiming Zhou,Kang Chen, Jianjun Hu, Zhenhua Chen, Investigation on microstructure characterizations

and phase compositions of rapidly solidification powder metallurgy Mg-6wt.%Zn-5wt.%Ce-1 .5 wt% Ca alloy Joumal of Alloys and Compounds,

2011, 509(9): L145-L149.

[4] TZhou, D.Chen, ZHChen, JHChen, Investigation on Microstructures and Properties of Rapidly SolidifedMg-6wt.%Zn 5wt.%Ca-3wt%Ce

Alloy. Joumal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009.475(1-2): L1-L4.

[5] Tao Zhou, Zhenhua Chen, Mingbo Yang. Jianjun Hu.Hua Xia,Investigation on microstructure characterization and property of rapidly

solidifiedMg- Zn-Ca-Ce-La alloys, Materials Characterization, 2012.63: 77-82.

[6] Tao Zhou, Mingbo Yang. Jie Zhan, Chengyun Peng.Jianjun Hu, Kang Chen, Zhiming Zhou, Zhenhua Chen, Investigation on the

microstructure characterization and aging response of rapidly solidifiedMg-6wt.%Zn- 5wt.%Ca alloy produced by atomization-twin roll quenching

technology,Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2012, 27(2): 125-129.

[7] T.Zhou, H.Xia,ZH.Chen, Effect of Ce on microstructures and mechanical properties of rapidly solidified Mg Zn alloy, Materials Science

and Technology, 2011. 27(7): 1198-1205.

[8] Z HChen,T.Zhou, D.Chen, HG.Yan, JH.Chen, Microstructure Characterisation and Mechanical Properties of Rapidly Solidified Mg-Zn-Ca

Alloys with Ce Addition, MaterialScience and Technology, 2008, 24(7): 848-855.

[9] Tao Zhou, Mingbo Yang. Hua Xia, Jianjun Hu, Zhenhua Chen,Phase constitutions of rapid solidification/ powder metallurgy Mg Zn-Ca-RE

alloys,International Jourmnal of Materials Research, 2013. 104(8): 789-793.

[10] TZhou, D.Chen, ZH. Chen, Microstructures and Mechanical property of Rapidly Solidified Mg Zn-Ca alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous

Metals Society of China, 2008, (18): s101-s106.

[11] T. Zhou, D. H Song. Z. H Chen, Microstructures, Mechanical and Creep Properties of Rapidly Solidification Powder MetallurgyMg-

6wt%Zn Alloys with 5wt.%Ce and 1 .5wt.%Ca Additions, Materials Science Forum, 2016, 861: 253-263.

[12] Denghui Song, Tao Zhou, Jian Tu, Laixin Shi, Bo Song. Li Hu, Mingbo Yang. Qiang Chen, Liwei Lu, Improved stretch formability of AZ31

sheet via texture control by introducing a continuous bending channel into equal channel angular rolling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 259: 380-386.

[13] Jian Tu, Tao Zhou, Lei Liu, Laixin Shi, Li Hu, Denghui Song, Bo Song. Mingbo Yang. Qiang Chen, Fusheng Pan, Effect of rolling speeds on

texture modification and mechanical properties of the AZ31 sheet by a combination of equal channel angular rolling and continuous bending at

high temperature, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018.768: 598-607.

[14] Chen Yu, Rui Zhang. Tao Zhou, Li Hu, Jian Tu. Laixin Shi, Liwe Lu, Qiang Chen, Benhong Liao, Lei Liu, Wenjun Ge, Jing Xiao, Mingbo

Yang. Influence of Extrusion Speed on the Microstructure Evolution, Interface Bonding and Mechanical Response of Mg MB26/A1 7075

Composite Rod, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2019, 32(2): 253-262.

[15] Yu Chen, Li Hu, Laixin Shi, Tao Zhou, Jian Tu, Qiang Chen, Mingbo Yang. Effect of texture types on microstructure evolution and

mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy undergoing uniaxial tension deformation at room temperature. Materials Science & Engineering

A, 2020, 769: 138497.